There are two (2) ways on how a user/developer/partner can register on the Developer Portal; by means of User Registration Page and People Dashboard under Admin accounts.
- On the Developer Portal Site, click on the Login menu link (located at the top-right portion of the screen).
- From the Login Page, click on the Register Here Button (located at the right side of the login form).
- On the Registration Page, you are required to fill up the following:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Password
There are recommended guidelines that will appear on the right side of the registration form for password creation. (Note: The guidelines will appear once you have enter your desired password.)
- Lastly, if all information are provided, click on Create New Account button. A confirmation message will appear on your screen saying that your account is now for verification and approval by the site admin. Added to that, you will also received a welcome message regarding your registration to the portal.
- On the Developer Portal Site, click on the Login menu link (located at the top-right portion of the screen).
- PEOPLE DASHBOARD (Note: This is for users who have admin access to the developer portal site)
- Once you login as an administrator, on the Admin Toolbar located at the top of the screen, put your cursor on People menu link. A sub-menu will appear below the People menu link. Click on Add User menu link.
- You will be redirected to the Add user page. On this page, you are required to fill up the following:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Username (by default, the username is has a pre-generated value)
- Password
- Status (by default, the status is set to Active) - OPTIONAL
- Roles (by default, Authenticated role is automatically selected) - OPTIONAL
- Email notification of registration (by default, this option is un-check; and when checked, an email will be sent the user notifying him that he/she has been registered to the Developer Portal Site) - OPTIONAL
- Picture - OPTIONAL
- Contact settings - OPTIONAL
- Once all information are provided, click on Create new account button at the bottom of the Add User page.
- Once you login as an administrator, on the Admin Toolbar located at the top of the screen, put your cursor on People menu link. A sub-menu will appear below the People menu link. Click on Add User menu link.
Once the user had register his/her account, portal administrator will be the one to provide access to the said account. By default, the account that had been registered by default is not yet activated (status: block) and the role (role access) is limited to anonymous. To be able to activate this users, here are the steps:
- On the Developer Portal Site, logged in as an Administrator.
- Once you login, on the Admin Toolbar located at the top of the screen, click on People menu link.
- From the People Dashboard page, select on the newly registered account, then click Edit button.
- On the Edit People page:
- Go to Status, and select Active option to activate/enable the account.
- Go to Roles, and check which Role should assign to the account. By default, the Role selected to the newly registered account is Anonymous.
- Once the said options are configured and modified, on the bottom part of the page, click Save button to save the changes.
There are options as well, for the Developer Portal Site admin to modify the account registration flow. To be able to access the Account Settings page, on the Admin toolbar, put the cursor on Configuration menu link > People > click Account Settings.
From the Account Settings page, it provides the Site Administrator to change options which relates to the Account registration workflow, including setting the email context of the following criteria within the said transactions or functions.
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